Congratulations on
your job placement with the
DeKalb County Board of Education
There are several items that must be taken care of
prior to the new employee meeting for paperwork.
* Anyone who has not been fingerprinted thru an
ALSDE provider should:
Registering for a
Criminal History Background Check with Fieldprint
Applicants will need the following to complete the registration process successfully:
(SSN, DOB, DL#, Height, Weight, etc.)
Applicants will need to follow the required sequence below.
(If not followed correctly you will not be able to complete the process successfully.)
Step 1: Create an AIM Account https://aim.alsde.edu
Step 2: Complete Background Check Registration in AIM
Step 3: Create Fieldprint Account
Step 4: Complete authorization forms, schedule appointment,
and fee payment
Step 5: Report for fingerprint appointment
* Open your email from the Frontline and/or Netpost
sent to the email on your application and
create your Frontline account.
* Register for your ESS (Employee Self Serve) account
Your employee number is listed in the Netpost letter from your email.
* Select the personal tab in your ESS account
to complete the
W4 (federal withholdings) form
* Select the personal tab in your ESS account
to complete the
A4 (state withholdings) form
* Select the personal tab in your ESS account
to complete the
direct deposit information.
You must attach a copy of a voided check or
bring a voided check or letter from your bank
with your account information to our meeting.
* Fill out the I-9 (E-verify) form
Provide a copy of your driver's license, social security card or
other applicable documentation listed on the form.
* Provide a written list of former full time education experience.
Please list:
The name of the school,
The name of the Board of Education
Type of experience
(i.e. teacher, aide, CNP, bus, custodial, etc.)
and the time duration worked for each position
* Each former educational system (in state or out of state)
should complete the following form and return it to the DeKalb County Board of Education
Attn: Payroll Department
*Certified employees and Paraprofesisonal
employees with college background
We must receive an official copy of your transcript
directly from your university.
Order these to be sent to Janet Williams
[email protected] - please order and send today
*Submit a headshot photo for your employee badge
Email a jpeg file to [email protected]